Why your 2022 sales strategy should be different
The pandemic has changed a lot, its hard to find a business that hasn’t been affected at least in some small way, for many companies pivoting, and adapting has been the only way.
Now as we go into a further year, as ‘the new normal’ becomes just that, what have we learnt and what can we do to not just survive but thrive?

Here are my 3 points of consideration and recommendation to help you navigate 2022 and increase your sales:
1. The pandemic has made reaching out to decision makers somewhat harder, why? Because working from home has changed the dynamic and, in some scenarios, companies have had to adapt and change. What should we do? In some instances, getting through to people over the phone has got harder, but because there has been a mass movement to digital communication, it means that phone-based sales / account management has become increasingly important. The answer is a multi-tiered approach, it means not just relaying on email, or social or calling, but using a collective of these to create results. Ultimately ‘people sell to people’ and none are better for this than picking up the phone, increasingly it means putting more emphasis on telemarketing to get results and increasing numbers, but companies that do will be victorious.
2. People are tired of the old ways of selling things. What do I mean by this, using the same types of emails, the same types of pitches, the same types of ads, people are almost suffocated by these already and so in 2022 and beyond being different will better connect. Consultative and relative is usually the best stance to take approach wise, but it’s the year of really putting the client first.
3. Value is more important than ever and it’s always been the most important thing anyway. Why? With inflation and everyone feeling the pinch as everything goes up in price, money and more importantly value is ever more the key. Should we indeed crash into an economic recession in the near future, value is going to save companies. The first thing businesses do in bad times is cut the dead weight, so make your proposition / service or offering make sense on multiple levels.
Ultimately up and downs are life and pandemics and economic uncertainty is indeed the new normal, but then the only true rules of life and business are ‘change’. Change is the only certainty, and thus you should not simply rely on doing things as you always have, but consider change and new ways, the adapting will conquer, survival of the fittest.
For more advice, support or to see how we help help with your business development / lead generation get in touch with us today: pierre.coombes@bigwolfmarketing.co.uk